Why Cate? | Angie ’17

December 21, 2016

Angie is a senior from Los Angeles, CA.

I can remember first hearing about Cate from an alum as a little 7th grader. It was a place up in the mountains in California where everyone loved learning and took rigorous academic schedules, but also where you could take surfing as your school sport, bake cookies at teachers’ homes, and everyone was just like family. Even just the stories I heard about this place, this “Mesa” as she called it, these snip-its of her memories as a high schooler, lived on in my mind and seemed so unreal, so magical to me. I held on to everything I knew about Cate but it still wasn’t real to me until the day my dad drove me up the misty Mesa road for the first time in 8th grade. As we walked around campus and met all the teachers and students, Cate proved to be more magical than it had been as my middle school fantasy, and even more as I moved in and became a member of the Cate family.