Alumni, parents, and friends of Cate School who wish to give above and beyond their annual Cate Fund contribution are encouraged to consider a gift to the endowment. These gifts are often paid over time and help sustain Cate well into the future.
A contribution to an endowment fund becomes a permanent source of operating income and is a long-term investment in Cate School. Our endowment currently provides more than $5 million to the annual operating budget. Earnings from gifts to the endowment will be used for specific programs according to donor requests. Endowment fund categories include campus enhancement, faculty, financial assistance, library, program, unrestricted, and charitable remainder trust and pooled income.
Endowment funds are listed below alphabetically by the name of the fund. If a donor or family has more than one fund, the additional funds are listed under the name of the family. We apologize for any inaccuracies in fund listings. Please contact the Advancement Office at if you note any errors or inconsistencies.
The Ahmanson Foundation Faculty Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from The Ahmanson Foundation for the purpose of creating or adding to a teaching endowment fund; given to encourage other funding sources to support teaching endowment funds.
Dayle Aller Aquatic Fund
Established in 2000 by family and friends in memory of Dayle Aller, mother of Michael Aller ’95, Larry Aller ’96, and Jeffrey Aller ’01 to encourage construction of a new aquatic center. Once the Emmett-Horowitz Aquatic Center was built, the scoreboard was dedicated to Dayle and the remainder serves as an endowment for the swimming and water polo programs.
American Service Fund
Established in 2014 by Christian Anschutz ’94 in honor of those Cate families that serve the United States of America. To be used to support families who serve in the armed forces or other agencies that provide special service to America.
Anonymous Scholarship Fund
Since 1996 this donor, who has been impressed with the investment counsel received from the Trustee Finance Committee, has made generous anonymous contributions to the School’s endowment.
Armour Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Philip D. Armour III, father of Philip Armour IV ’87 and Maximillian Armour ’89.
Asian Studies Chair
Established in 1997 by six families from Taiwan whose children attended Cate. Their gifts will be the foundation for a fully endowed Asian Studies Faculty Chair, ensuring the program’s vitality in perpetuity.
Baum Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2005 by Rick Baum ’64 and Rickie Ann Baum, parents of Daniel Baum ’98, Rachel Baum Vranich ’01, Abigail Baum ’04, and Zachary Baum ’12. Rick, winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2005, has been a member of the board of trustees since 1984, president from 1999 to 2004 at which time he was named a life trustee.
Beach Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by Chris and Patrick Beach, parents of Conor Beach ’01 and Brien Beach ’04. This fund was supplemented by the Kirby Challenge.
Gregg Bemis, Class of 1918 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from F. Gregg Bemis, Class of 1918. To be used where there is the greatest need as decided by the Head of School and the board of trustees.
Charles P. Berolzheimer Family
Established by Charles P. Berolzheimer, member of the board of trustees from 1966 to 1995 and named a life trustee in 1982, father of Philip Berolzheimer ’53 and Michael Berolzheimer ’57, and grandfather of Charles Berolzheimer II ’78, Parke Berolzheimer ’80, Laura Berolzheimer Kraut ’93, and great-grandfather of Philip Berolzheimer II ’05. Major gifts have been received from the Charles P. Berolzheimer Foundation, California Cedar Products, and Duraflame, Inc., supplemented by memorial contributions. Mr. Berolzheimer bequeathed 50% of his preferred shares in the Rylock Company to Cate School. The following funds were established by Charles P. Berolzheimer and family:
Charles P. Berolzheimer Faculty Fund
Established in 1995 by a gift from Charles P. Berolzheimer, this fund is a tribute to Mr. Charles P. Berolzheimer, who believed that the heart of the school was its faculty and who steadfastly supported faculty salaries throughout his life.
Peter McBean ’30 and Charles P. Berolzheimer Faculty Fund
Francis Parkman Jr. Scholarship Fund
Stanley D. Woodworth Chair for Distinguished Teaching
This chair is currently held by Frank Griffin, Math Department faculty.
Bhutani Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2011 by a gift from Leslie and Ashish Bhutani, parents of Chris Bhutani ’12 and Lane Bhutani ’13. This fund was created to honor the commitment and dedication of Cate faculty.
Bigelow Family
Established by Ann Bigelow and E. Thayer Bigelow Jr. ’59, member of the board of trustees from 1995 to 2006, president from 2004 to 2006, winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2002:
Ann and E. Thayer Bigelow Jr. ’59 Minority Scholarship Fund
Established in 2000 for assistance to minority families.
Natalie C. Bigelow Supplemental Student Assistance Fund
Established in 1989 in honor of Thayer’s mother, Natalie C. Bigelow.
Biology Faculty Fund
Established in 1999 by Kaye and Richard Heafey, parents of Richard Heafey ’00, to start an endowed chair in biology.
Blackwing Arts Innovation Fund
Established by Charles ’78 and Ginger Berolzheimer in 2020 to provide support to students and faculty in exploring and executing new innovations in arts and music learning via curriculum and special projects. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Blanks Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from Violette and William C. Blanks, parents of Maurice Blanks ’83, and grandparents of Stephen Elphick ’95. This fund was supplemented by the Kirby Challenge.
Billy Bliss ’89 Mental Health and Wellness Fund
In honor of Billy Bliss ’89 and established by a gift from Halsted, Madeline ’11, and Eliza ’14 Wheeler in 2019, this discretionary fund is to be used for the most pressing needs of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Ellen and Robert Bonning Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 by a gift from Amanda Freeman Peiffer ’95 and supplemented by loyal alumni, parents, and friends of Ellen and Bob Bonning, member of the faculty from 1975 until 2015. All are welcome to contribute to this scholarship fund.
James G. Boswell Foundation Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1991 by a gift from the James G. Boswell Foundation to support the foundation’s strong belief in education. James G. Boswell is the great uncle of Anne Boswell Bertrand ’84.
Bothin Dormitory Maintenance
Established in 1982 by a gift from the Bothin Foundation. Supplemented by a gift from the Foundation in 1987.
Bowles Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1990 by gifts from Constance Bowles and her children: Henry M. Bowles Jr. ’62, member of the board of trustees from 1990 to 1993 (father of Henry Bowles III ’02, Elizabeth Bowles ’06, and Charlotte Bowles ’12); Philip E. Bowles ’69; and Beatrice V. Bowles (mother of Amanda Michael Gamble ’86 and Cannon Michael ’90).
Ben Boyden ’97 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by the Boyden family to honor and celebrate Ben and the friendships formed on the Mesa, to provide a scholarship for a qualified student. Supplemented with the matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Meg Bradley Scholarship Fund
Established in 2016 by friends and colleagues of Meg Bradley, former Assistant Head External Affairs, to honor her extraordinary service to Cate from 1998 to 2016.
Lyn Brillo and Mark Sonnino Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2017 by Lyn Brillo and Mark Sonnino, parents of Leighton Brillo-Sonnino ’14, to provide special financial assistance to students on financial aid. This fund furthers Cate’s ability to provide an equitable experience for all scholars that attend Cate.
Brown Family Foundation
Established in 2004 by the Brown Family Foundation to support the maintenance of the buildings and grounds, library faculty, and library programs.
Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
Library Faculty Fund
Library Programs Fund
Brown Ercil Family
The following funds were established by Mimi Brown ’92, trustee from 2014 to 2020, and Alp Ercil, parents of Jengus Ercil ’23, to provide access for students who receive financial assistance.
Kay Buckley Brown Minority Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 by Mimi Brown ’92 and her husband, Alp Ercil, in honor of Mimi’s mother, for whom the fund is named.
Mimi Brown ’92 and Alp Ercil Scholarship Fund
Established in 2018 by Mimi Brown ’92 and Alp Ercil. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Victoria and Lawrence Browne Scholarship Fund
Established in 2015 by the father of Katrina Bacallao ’88, Lisa Stanson ’92, Andrea Nicholas ’94, and Colin Browne ’95 to honor the years of service to the school by all faculty members, in particular Paul Denison ’79 and Robert Bonning. The Scholarship provides assistance for middle-income families requiring partial financial support.
Ernest A. Bryant III ’49 Book Fund
Established in 1965 by a gift from Ernest A. Bryant III ’49, member of the board of trustees from 1973 to 1979, father of Peter Bryant ’83 and grandfather of Cole Bryant ’20, to purchase books for the McBean Library.
Bucklin Family Head of School’s Discretionary Fund
Established in 2000 by gifts from Linda and Bill Bucklin, parents of Nicholas Bucklin ’01, in honor of Benjamin D. Williams IV, Cate’s seventh Head of School. To be used at the Head of School’s discretion to augment faculty salaries.
Buildings and Grounds Enhancement
Established in 1991 by a gift from Nelson D. Jones ’48 for the maintenance and beautification of the buildings and grounds.
Robert L. Burch III Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by Robert L. Burch III, member of the board of trustees from 1981 to 1991.
Hal ’68 and Andrea Burroughs Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Established in 2019 by Hal ’68 and Andrea Burroughs to provide for the general endowment. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Joseph I. Caldwell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004 by James Sheldon, Jr. ’71 and his brother J. Anthony Sheldon ’74 in loving memory of their teacher and mentor Joseph I. Caldwell. Both treasure the experience they had serving as editors of El Batidor when Joe was a faculty advisor. This fund may be augmented by former students, Cate alumni, and friends.
Callan Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by Ed Callan, grandfather of Chatom Arkin ’01, Michael Arkin ’03, and Sam Arkin ’05, for assistance to minority families.
Campaign for Cate (1982-1984)
The Campaign for Cate had a goal of $3.2M and raised $3.6M. The Raymond Commons dining room was expanded and the Mudd Science Building and Cook House West were constructed.
Maintenance Fund
Established in 1985 by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends to maintain the facilities constructed during the Campaign for Cate.
Campaign for the Nineties (1987-1991)
Cate School exceeded its Campaign for the Nineties goal of raising $15M by raising $16.3M. It successfully reached targets of $5M to endow faculty salaries, $2M for unrestricted endowment, $1M to build new faculty homes, $2M for the Annual Fund ($500,000 during each year of the campaign), and $2.3M for non-campaign objectives. The Campaign for the Nineties Faculty, Scholarship, and Unrestricted endowment funds were all established during this time.
Carpinteria Valley Scholarship Fund
Established in 1987 by gifts from Wilson Bradley Jr., member of the board of trustees from 1986 to 1995 and Timothy K. Bliss ’70, member of the board of trustees from 1975 to 1977. Augmented during Cate’s Centennial by gifts from Jim and Jean Bailard, parents of Jill Bailard ’97 and Emily Bailard ’99. The Fund provides financial assistance for students from the Carpinteria Valley. Provisions to supplement this fund have been made in the Bradley’s estate plan.
Margaret Carver Maintenance Fund
Established in 1984 by a bequest from Margaret Carver, member of the board of trustees from 1971 to 1983, for the maintenance of buildings constructed during the Campaign for Cate.
Curtis Wolsey Cate Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1973 by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in memory of Curtis Wolsey Cate, founder of the School and Head of School from 1910 to 1950. Supplemented with gifts to unrestricted endowment.
Cate 2000 – Capital Campaign (1995-2000)
Cate School exceeded its Cate 2000 Campaign goal of $23,750,000 by raising $28,941,576. Funds to build Cook House East, the Sprague Gymnasium, the Berolzheimer Classroom Building, and five faculty houses amounted to $9,040,424. Funds to endow these buildings and for faculty salaries, financial assistance, and programs amounted to $13,415,294. In addition, $880,000 was raised for other capital projects and $5,605,858 was raised for annual operations from July 1995 to December 2000 when the campaign closed. Other funds established during Cate 2000 are listed in alphabetical order.
Building Challenge Endowment
Cook House East Maintenance Fund
Cate 2000 Faculty Salaries
Established in 2000 with a significant gift by Robert F. Miller ’41, senior prefect and member of the board of trustees from 1974 to 1982, and supplemented by other donors.
Cate 2000 Financial Assistance
Established in 1998.
Cate 2000 Unrestricted
Cate Scholarship
Established after Cate 2000. This fund accepts gifts of any size to provide financial assistance. This fund may be supplemented by donors who wish to guarantee a place at Cate for those deserving students who would otherwise be unable to attend.
Centennial Campaign – Capital Campaign (2005-2011)
Established in 2005 by Cate’s board of trustees to inaugurate Phase I building projects in recognition of Cate’s Centennial. The following are the capital additions and improvements: The Bioswale project established by Kim and Toby Scott ’79. The Brittingham Family Athletic Training Center established with a gift from Ella and Scott Brittingham. The Class of ’81 Amphitheatre established by the class in honor of their years at Cate. Emmett-Nieman Early Learning Center established by the Emmett family with an additional gift by Sally and Jim Klingbeil. Emmett-Horowitz Aquatic Center established by trustees Dan Emmett ’99 and David Horowitz following a lead gift in 2000 by the Dayle Aller Aquatic Fund. Roger Firestone Family Ceramics Studio gifted by Susan Firestone Semegen and Dan Semegen. Jackson Baseball Field made possible by the Palmer Jackson family. Nelson D. Jones ’48 Stables restoration made possible with a gift from Nelson Jones ’48 and Polly and Joe Ueberroth ’87. Faculty Housing, including Alumnae, Board of Directors, Harcourt, Class of 1958, and 79ers Faculty House, to support faculty living on campus, which was further supported in 2008 by the Emmett Faculty Housing Challenge. Kirby Quadrangle named in honor of a family who has loyally served and supported Cate School since 1977. Man Softball Field gifted by Sebastian Man ’76. Waste Water Treatment and Holding Tanks were built with the support of an anonymous foundation and Marianne and Norman Sprague. Cate replaced its aging wastewater treatment facility with a state-of-the-art tertiary wastewater treatment plant. The Centennial Faculty Salaries, Financial Aid, and Unrestricted endowment funds were also established during this time.
Chan Family Chair for Distinguished Teaching
Established in 2000 by gifts from David Pun Chan ’68, trustee from 1995 to 1998, and winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2003. This chair is currently held by English Instructor, Jeff Barton.
Chiao Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2008 and supplemented in 2015 by Anny and Yu-Lon Chiao, parents of Chester ’09, to support faculty salaries.
Class of 1981 Amphitheater Renovation
In 2020, the Class of 1981 Amphitheater was renovated to create a welcoming space for assemblies, special events, arts education, and performances. The Liou Family Amphitheater Seating now provides eight rows of cedar bench seating for the entire student body and faculty, forming a semi-circle on the hillside, anchored in place by cement radials.
Coles Family
The following funds were established by Butler Coles, Class of 1921, spouse of Lee Coles, and Edward B. Coles, Class of 1920, spouse of Mary H. Coles:
Established in 2000 in memory of Butler Coles, Class of 1921 by a gift from his wife, Lee Coles. Butler taught at Cate for ten years starting in 1931. He remained in close contact with Mr. Cate throughout his life. Both Lee and Butler were loyal supporters of the School and left the vast majority of their estate to Cate.
Established in 1998 in memory of Edward B. Coles, Class of 1920 by a gift from his wife, Mary H. Coles.
Computational Thinking Program Fund
Established in 2019 by an anonymous donor along with an operational gift to expand and partially endow the Computer Science/Computational Thinking initiative to integrate computer science and computational thinking across all Cate curriculum.
Cook Family
Established by John Brown Cook, member of the board of trustees from 1966 to 1971 and from 1973 to 1978, and his wife, Marian Miner Cook, member of the board of trustees from 1985 to 1993, parents of Gregory Cook ’65, member of the board of trustees from 1982 to 1993. The Cook family made lead gifts for Cook House East and Cook House West dormitories. The following funds have been established by the Cook Family:
Gregory M. Cook ’65 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1986 by Gregory M. Cook ’65.
John Brown Cook Book Fund
Established in 1964 by a gift from John Brown Cook. Supplemented by Mr. Cook and later by his widow, Marian Miner Cook.
Couper-Clarke Classical Collection Bequest
Established in 1993 by Roger A. Clarke ’36, a member of the faculty from 1949 to 1952, given in memory of Mildred Couper, his piano music mentor from 1931 to 1936. In 2003, Cate School received a collection of materials, and a Chickering grand piano. A bequest in the amount of $25,000 was received in 2016 to house the music collection or to offer assistance to an advanced piano student.
Rachel and Ambrose Cramer ’35
Established by Ambrose C. Cramer ’35, member of the faculty from 1958 to 1960, member of the board of trustees from 1965 to 1967, and his wife, Rachel Cramer, parents of Carl Cramer ’64. The following trust funds have been established by the Cramers:
Faculty Fund
For administrator and staff professional development, including sabbaticals for this group of hard-working members of the Cate School community.
O. Curtis Crawford Distinguished Chair
In memory of O. Curtis Crawford, member of the faculty from 1934 to 1971. Earnings to provide the salary of an outstanding member of the faculty selected by the Head of School. Supplemented by gifts from Perri V. Harcourt, member of the board of trustees from 1997 to 2013. It is held by Lauren Jared, History Department Chair.
Kevin J. Crummer ’71 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1992 by a gift from Jean Crummer Coburn in memory of her son, Kevin Crummer ’71. Supplemented by gifts from alumni and friends and the Roy J. Crummer Foundation in his memory.
Crutcher Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by a gift from James P. Crutcher ’48.
Davies Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2018 by Ralph Lewis ’76 in memory of beloved classmate Brent Washington ’76. Supplemented with the matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Davis Family Scholarship Fund
S. Boyer Davis, member of the faculty from 1962 to 1977, and Janet W. Davis, member of the staff from 1964 to 1985, parents of Samuel Davis ’59, Michael Davis ’62, and Donald Davis ’68. The remainder principal from the Davis Pooled Income Fund and the Janet Davis CRT were added to the Davis Family Scholarship Fund in 2017.
Algernon A.S. Davy Book Fund
Established in 1958 by a gift from Captain Algernon A.S. Davy, member of the faculty from 1920 to 1940, to purchase books for the McBean library. Later supplemented by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in memory of Captain Davy.
The Colin Day Chair for Cross-Curricular Studies
Established in 2013 by Lalage C. and Steven M. Rales to honor the inspired teaching of the late Colin Day. Supports innovative interdisciplinary instruction. Provides for sequential four-year faculty appointments dedicated to the creation and implementation of cross-curricular programming. From 2021-2025, it will be held by Dr. Jamie Kellogg of the Science Department.
DeGroot Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 by Barbara and John DeGroot, parents of Matthew DeGroot ’08 and Shelby DeGroot ’09, to provide Scholarship assistance to students who balance their academic work with a demonstrated passion for and investment in athletics.
Nancy and Emmanuel Denis Compensation Initiative
Established in 2017 in response to an identified need to reward exceptional and distinctive work by members of the Cate faculty. The goal for this fund is to respond swiftly and with agility to remarkable work and to do so with bonus dollars that are not permanently added to an individual teacher’s base salary. All faculty members will be eligible to receive a bonus, the scale of which will reflect the quality and impact of that faculty member’s annual body of work.
Denison Family
The following funds were established by John H. Denison III ’50, son of John H. Denison Jr., Class of 1925, brother of Paul Denison ’52, and uncle of Paul Denison ’79 and Jocelyn Denison Solomon ’88 and grandparents of Tessa Denison ’19 and Dylan Solomon ’21.
John H. Denison ’50 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1996 to provide unrestricted funds to be used as the Head of School and board of trustees deem appropriate on a year-to-year basis. This fund will be the remainder beneficiary of the following CRUT.
The following funds were established by Paul M. Denison ’52, member of the faculty from 1968 to 1979, member of the board of trustees 1982 to 2003, president from 1986 to 1994, and chairman from 1994 to 1999, and winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1988. Paul was named a life trustee in 1999. Paul and his wife, Elizabeth B. Denison, are the parents of Paul Denison ’79 and Jocelyn Denison Solomon ’88.
John H. Denison, Jr., Class of 1925 Book Fund
Established in 1968 in memory of his father, John H. Denison, Jr., Class of 1925. Supplemented periodically since its creation.
Paul Moore Denison ’52 Teaching Chair
Established in 1986, this fund was enhanced from a faculty fund to a teaching chair by his student, colleague, and friend, Mark Whiting ’74 in 2004. The remainder interest of the following CRT will be added to this fund. It is held by Annalee Salcedo, Mathematics Department Chair.
Paul Moore Denison ’52 Faculty Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
Established in 1996, Cate serves as trustee and manager of this fund.
Paul Moore Denison ’52 Scholarship
Established in 2010 by Gregg M. Cook ’65 to bolster the School’s ability to enroll middle-class students. Mr. Cook has graciously pledged over $1M to Cate’s financial assistance endowment. Furthermore, to honor alumnus, former faculty member, and trustee Paul M. Denison ’52, Mr. Cook invited fellow trustees to match a $225,000 gift to establish the Paul M. Denison ’52 Fund, which will support partial scholarships for middle-class students, with preference given to students from California’s Central Valley.
Diemer Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2007 by John and Carolyn Diemer, parents of Brett Diemer ’10, to support faculty salaries.
Doheny McCoy Family Faculty Fund
Established in 1986 by gifts from Patrick A. Doheny ’41, brother of Edward L. Doheny III ’34, William H. Doheny ’36, and Timothy M. Doheny ’45, and from his daughter, Kathleen McCoy, and her husband, Peter McCoy, parents of Patrick McCoy ’89.
Drake Family
Lyman M. Drake III, father of Chloe Drake Martin ’86, Colin Drake ’87, and Calysta Drake Phillips ’89.
Claire Andriveau Drake Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 by a gift from Lyman M. Drake III in memory of his wife, Claire Andriveau Drake. Supplemented by gifts from Mrs. Lyman M. Drake, Jr. and Mr. Drake.
Established in 2000 by gifts from Lyman Drake and his son, Colin Drake ’87, and daughter Calysta Drake Phillips ’89 and supplemented by the Kirby Challenge. This fund was established to enhance faculty compensation at Cate.
Stanley M. Durrant Memorial Faculty Fund
Established in 1986 by a gift from Davis L. Kennedy ’56, in memory of Stanley M. Durrant, member of the faculty from 1943 to 1964. Supplemented by a gift from Donald H. Harcourt ’50, member of the board of trustees from 1987 to 1997, and his wife, Perri V. Harcourt, member of the board of trustees from 1997 to 2004 and 2005 to 2013, parents of Scott Harcourt ’98.
Edwards Family Visiting Artists Fund
Established in 2010 by Gaby Edwards, a faculty member from 1979 to 1990 and 1995 to 2008, and her husband, Selden, also a faculty member from 1963 to 1968, parents of Nan Edwards Pickens ’84, Bruce Edwards ’86, and Paula Edwards Agnew ’88. The family established this fund to support the arts and to inspire students to love the arts. It may be augmented by all interested donors.
Emmett Family Scholarship Fund
Established by Dan A. Emmett ’99, member of the board of trustees since 1987, president from 1994 to 1999, chairman from 1999 to 2004, at which time he was named a life trustee, and his wife, Rae Emmett, parents of Daniel Emmett ’87, Rosalind Emmett Nieman ’89, Morgan Emmett ’99, and Tyler Emmett ’01 and grandparents of Frankie Nieman ’21, Wade Nieman ’23, and Mack Nieman ’25. This fund provides for special or unusual financial assistance needs that are not part of a normal and conventional financial assistance budget.
Emmett Family Endowment Challenge
Established in 2019 by Dan ’99 and Rae Emmett, David Horowitz, Adam Horowitz ’99, Wyatt Gruber ’93, Monique Parsons ’84 and David Wecker. The purpose of the challenge match is to inspire Cate families and friends to make a stretch gift to the endowment campaign, which will accelerate the ability of the School to raise its overall endowment to meet the needs of today and tomorrow.
Betsy Erdman Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1986 by a gift from Betsy Erdman, member of the board of trustees from 1986 to 1989, to provide for the School’s highest current priorities determined by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Joseph Esquith Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001 by an anonymous friend of Cate in honor of Joseph Esquith to support minority students from Los Angeles.
Equity of Experience Scholarship Fund
Established in 2018 by Leone Price ’02, member of the board of trustees since 2018, to provide an equity of experience for students who receive financial aid to participate fully in activities of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge. All are invited to contribute to this fund.
Excellence in the Choral Arts Faculty Fund
Established in 2012 in honor of Jessica Block, director of theater and choral music in the Fine Arts Department, by the parents of Tim Annick ’12, to provide for faculty salaries in the choral arts program. This fund may be supplemented by donors who wish to support Cate’s choral arts program.
Faculty Housing Maintenance Fund
To provide for the annual maintenance of faculty homes. All donors are welcome to contribute to this fund.
Faculty Salaries Fund
Established in 2001, this fund may be supplemented by donors who wish to honor the dedicated faculty.
James R. Feld ’81 Arts Fund
Established in 2001 to support the ceramics program and supplemented in 2012 by Suzanne and Alan Feld, in memory of their son. The James R. Feld ’81 Ceramics prize will be awarded annually at the discretion of the Arts Department for excellence and improvement in ceramics.
Helen and L. Gordon Fiske ’28 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from L. Gordon Fiske ’28 and his wife, Helen Fiske, parents of John Fiske ’66. Supplemented in 1991 by gifts from friends in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Fiske’s 50th anniversary, and in 1993 upon the death of Helen Fiske, when the principal of their pooled income fund was transferred to the School’s endowment.
Max C. Fleischmann Scholarship Fund
Established in 1934 by a gift from Major Max C. Fleischmann, member of the board of trustees from 1932 to 1951.
For Cate and Forever Unrestricted Fund
This fund includes major gifts established in 2019 by The Sprague Family and by Lisa ’92 and Jason Stanson to provide unrestricted support for the endowment, and will be supplemented with the matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Established in 1989 for the purpose of adding to endowment for faculty salaries.
Minority Scholarship
Established in 1994 by a matching Edward E. Ford Foundation grant and gifts from alumni, parents, and friends. This fund includes The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund, which was established in 1985.
Frank Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Harold Frank and his wife, Diana Frank, mother of John Sauter ’84.
Froley Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 by a gift from George A. Froley III, father of John Froley ’85, Diana Froley ’87, and Margaux Froley ’97, who contributed shares in Southwest Asset Trust Company, of which he was president.
Gates Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from the Gates Foundation (Colorado). Supplemented by The Bernice Gates Hopper Family Fund in 2004.
Richard L. Gelb Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 in memory of his father by a gift from Lawrence N. Gelb, member of the board of trustees from 2005 to 2009, and his wife, Anki, parents of Richard Gelb ’08. Supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
The Given Family Endowment Fund
Inspired by Nelson Jones ’48’s enduring support of Cate School, this fund was established in 2020 by Peter Given ’99, trustee from 2017 to 2020, and Kelly Given in support of the general endowment. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Glenbrook Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1986 by James F. Crafts Jr., member of the board of trustees since 1969 and named a life trustee in 1992, and his wife, Patricia Crafts, parents of James Crafts III ’70. Named in honor of Glenbrook, Nevada, where the family used to reside. This fund received the remainder interest from the Patricia H. Crafts pooled income fund in 2021. Funds from the James Crafts CRUT were added in 2006, funds from the Fulstone Family CRAT were added in 2009, and funds from life insurance policies from James Crafts were added in 2017.
Herman Goldman Scholarship Fund
Established in 1982 by the Herman Goldman Foundation to provide financial assistance for students from New York City. Supplemented by the Foundation in 1989.
Mackie Greason ’11 Scholarship Fund
Established by Dana, Sam, and Wesley ’13 Greason in 2020 and supplemented by the Emmett Family Endowment Challenge as well as gifts made by beloved family members, faculty, and friends, this fund annually supports the needs of a student who best exemplifies the incredibly positive life lived by Mackie. As a student at Cate, Mackie was a larger-than-life personality. Whether on the lacrosse field, in the dormitory, or in the classroom, he demonstrated the sort of charismatic leadership that literally drew people to him. Rarely outspoken, but always thoughtful, Mackie made an impact wherever he went.
Daniel Grossman and Catherine Kennedy Faculty Fund
Established in 2000 by Daniel L. Grossman, father of Emily Grossman ’04 and Rebecca Grossman ’08, to support faculty salaries.
Wyatt Gruber ’93 and Jane Gruber Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2019 by Wyatt ’93 and Jane Gruber to provide for the general endowment.
Deborah and Martin Hale ’58 Arts Faculty Fund
Established in 2002 by Deborah and Martin Hale ’58 and supplemented by the Kirby Challenge. Income to provide for faculty salaries in the arts.
William H. Hamm III Head of School’s Discretionary
Established in 1988 by a gift from William H. Hamm III, father of William C. Hamm ’88. Income to provide funds to be used at the discretion of the Head of School.
Harcourt Family
Donald H. Harcourt ’50, member of the board of trustees from 1987 to 1997, Distinguished Alumnus in 1997, and his wife, Perri V. Harcourt, member of the board of trustees from 1997 to 2004 and 2005 to 2013, parents of Scott Harcourt ’98. The following funds were established and supplemented by the Harcourt family, alumni, parents, and friends:
O. Curtis Crawford Distinguished Chair
Stanley M. Durrant Memorial Faculty Fund
Heyman McConnell Fund
Established by a gift by TJ Heyman and Jane McConnell in 2019, this discretionary fund is to be used for the most pressing needs of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Simon ’79 and Duncan ’09 Ho Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2013 by the Ho family in honor of Simon ’79 and Duncan ’09, to be used where there is the greatest need as decided by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Hodge Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009 by Kylie Schuyler and Doug Hodge, parents of Schuyler Hodge ’09 and Macaul Hodge ’13, and augmented in 2018. To be used for a scholarship for a girl.
Huerta Family Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The Huerta Family Hispanic Scholarship Fund, established in 2020 by Daniele Huerta and Frank Huerta ’85, member of the board of trustees from 2009 to 2021, parents of Bryce ’17 and Mark ’20, to provide financial assistance for students of Hispanic descent. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Ross Nicols Holland ’34 Memorial
Established in 1937 by a gift from the family of Ross Nicols Holland ’34 in his memory to provide for the publication of the school newspaper, El Batidor.
John R. Hooker, Class of 1921 Memorial Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1983 by gifts from alumni and friends in memory of John R. Hooker, Class of 1921, member of the board of trustees from 1947 to 1964 and from 1966 to 1969 and president from 1949 to 1954, son of Robert G. Hooker, member of the board of trustees from 1920 to 1936, brother of Robert G. Hooker, Class of 1918, and R. Lent Hooker ’28, father of Anthony Hooker ’56, member of the board of trustees from 1973 to 1979, stepfather of Harry Clow III ’44, grandfather of Kenneth Walsh ’73, who joined the board of trustees in 2008, grandfather of Christine Hooker ’87, and great-grandfather of Mackenzie Walsh ’10, Adrian Walsh ’12, and Harry Walsh ’17. Supplemented by a bequest from Mr. Hooker.
R. Lent Hooker ’28 Memorial Scholarship
Horowitz Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2000 by David L. Horowitz, member of the board of trustees from 1998 to 2020, father of Matthew Horowitz-Syrkin ’94, Adam Horowitz ’99, and Emily Horowitz ’02, and their mother, Pamela Horowitz, for faculty compensation and student financial assistance, but may be used at the board’s discretion if needed for other purposes.
Noah Webster Hotchkiss Scholarship Fund
Established in 1995 by gifts from his faculty colleagues in memory of Noah Webster Hotchkiss, director of admission from 1984 to 1994, husband of Carol W. Hotchkiss, a member of the faculty from 1984 to 1994 and faculty trustee from 1994 to 1997, father of Jason Hotchkiss ’88 and Rachel Hotchkiss Murphy ’90 to be used at the discretion of the director of admission to support students on financial assistance.
Hummelt Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Judy and Harold Hummelt, parents of Fritz Hummelt ’90, to provide financial assistance.
Paul ’10 and Sally ’13 Hwang Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2013 by the Hwang family in honor of their children to provide for the School’s highest current priorities determined by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Jack Jackson ’95 and Nelson D. Jones ’48 Fund
Established in 2008 by Nelson D. Jones ’48 and renamed by honoree, Jack Jackson ’95, this fund supports athletics and is in memory of Life Trustee Nelson D. Jones ’48 (1930-2019) for his immeasurable impact on those in the Cate community.
James Family Arts Faculty Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from George B. James, member of the board of trustees from 1981 to 1987 and from 1995 to 2004, when he was named chairman until 2010, at which time he was named a life trustee, and his wife, Beverly James, parents of Christopher James ’83 and Geoffrey James ’84, grandparents of Ada ’23 and Peregrine ’25, to provide for faculty salaries in the arts.
Gerhard Cyril Julius Jansen III ’48 Memorial Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2010 by an anonymous alumnus in memory of Gerhard Cyril Julius Jansen III ’48, father of Piet Jansen ’80 and a member of the board of trustees from 1989 to 1995. Income to be used where there is the greatest need as decided by the Head of School and the board of trustees.
Janet (Jenny) Jones Head of School’s Discretionary
Established in 2002 by Janet (Jenny) Jones, member of the board of trustees from 2002 to 2011 and then again from 2012 to 2021, in honor of her family’s history with Cate School and in honor of her son, Bradley Rutt ’00, the beneficiary of an exceptional education. All are welcome to contribute to this fund with earnings to be used at the discretion of the Head of School for current highest priority.
Ellis Jones ’72 Head of School’s Teaching Chair
Established in 2007 by a gift from Ellis B. Jones ’72, member of the board of trustees from 2000 to 2006, and 2017 to 2020, father of Savannah Jones ’11, son of H. Bradley Jones ’37, brother of Janet (Jenny) Jones, brother-in-law of Gordon Pattee ’66, and uncle of Bradley Rutt ’00, to support faculty salaries. Supplemented in 2017 by Ellis Jones ’72 to establish the Head of School’s Teaching Chair for sequential four-year faculty appointments dedicated to harness new technologies and techniques, to connect ideas or disciplines or colleagues, and to imagine new possibilities and horizons for student learning. It is currently held by Joy Doyle, Visual Arts Department Chair.
W. M. Keck Foundation
Keck Center Maintenance
Established in 1991 to provide for maintenance of the W.M. Keck Computer Center.
Established in 1974 and supplemented by the Foundation. This endowed fund makes it possible for two talented students to attend Cate.
Kinnear Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1987 with gifts from Barbara and John C. Kinnear III ’60, member of the board of trustees from 1985 to 1995 and from 1996 to 2005, parents of Katherine Kinnear ’05, and from his parents, Helen and John C. Kinnear Jr.
Kirby-Jones Family
Robert G. Kirby, member of the board of trustees from 2001 to 2005 and his wife, Marvel Jones Kirby, a trustee from 1998 to 2001 and mother of Blake Jones ’81, grandparents of Owen ’20 and Ella ’22, member of the board of trustees from 2007 to 2010. The following funds have been established by the Kirby-Jones family:
Cate Coastal Studies Fund
Established in 2022 by a gift from the Kirby charitable remainder trust for restricted endowment with focus on science and the outdoors.
Established in 1991 to provide financial assistance for students from Carpinteria or Santa Barbara. Supplemented by gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Kirby. Funds from the Kirby CRUT were added in 2022.
Kirby Faculty Housing
Established in 2004 to fund the School’s highest capital priority- housing all faculty on the Mesa. Earnings to provide for the maintenance of the six faculty homes built in 2003.
Kirby-Jones Challenge Match
Established in 2000 to encourage endowment gifts for faculty salaries and financial assistance. Donors received matching funds to establish their own named funds. Gifts of $35,000 received a 50% match, $50,000 a 75% match, and gifts of $100,000 or more received a 100% match. This $1M challenge gift generated gifts of an additional $1.3M to the endowment and established or supplemented 29 funds in the endowment.
Kirby-Jones Centennial Reunion Challenge
Established in 2005 when Bob and Marvel Kirby designated $1M of their gift to be used as a challenge to reunion classes. Twenty-four reunion records were set from 2005-2008.
Klein Minority Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Michael L. Klein, member of the board of trustees from 1989 to 1998 and father of Eric Klein ’88, to provide financial assistance for minority students.
Ko Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in April 2002 by Betty and Wen Ko, parents of Patrick Ko ’97 and Rachel Ko ’04 with an unrestricted gift to the endowment.
David Koepfli ’58 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1994 in memory of David B. Koepfli ’58, by gifts from his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Koepfli, his sister, Mrs. Stanley Moore, and his nieces Dinah Moore Calderon ’90 and Daisy Moore Julian. Supplemented in 2005 by a bequest from Dr. Koepfli.
The Joseph Koepfli Equity of Experience Fund
Established in 2019 by Dinah Moore Calderon ’90 and Ricardo Calderon, parents of Juliette Calderon ’22, Daisy Moore Julian, and Daphne Moore with funds from the estate of Joseph Koepfli, to provide an equity of experience for students who receive financial aid to participate fully in activities of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Korean Alumni and Parents Faculty Fund
Established in 2008, Cate School Korean parents made a contribution to the School with gifts of $50,000 to the annual Cate Fund and $50,000 to create an endowment fund. This fund has been supplemented annually to support the School in perpetuity.
Larsen Family Faculty Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from Susan and Niels Larsen, parents of Niels Larsen ’92 and Sloan Larsen ’94, to support faculty salaries.
Library Funds
Allan J. Gunther Memorial Book Fund
W. Scott Martin ’35 Memorial Book Fund
Michael A. Otondo ’74 Book Fund
Paul M. Ruoff Book Fund
Henry S. Russell ’23 Book Fund
Malcolm Young, Jr. ’30 Book Fund
The Liou Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2015 by Lina and Peter Liou, parents of Jessica Liou ’16 and Kenneth Liou ’20, for the immediate need of defraying educational costs of elementary and middle-school education for Cate faculty children. The family has also pledged $300,000 over 10 years for this purpose.
Littlefield Family
Edmund W. Littlefield, member of the board of trustees from 1965 to 1969, his wife, Jeannik Mequet Littlefield, and their son, Jacques Littlefield ’67, member of the board of trustees from 1978 to 1989 and 1991 to 2000 and father of Scott R. Littlefield ’99. The following funds have been established by the Littlefield family:
W. Burleigh Pattee Fellowship
Established in 1974 by a gift from Edmund W. Littlefield, in memory of W. Burleigh Pattee ’29, to provide partial support for the salary of a faculty member, selected annually, for his or her outstanding teaching and contributions to the well-being of Cate School and its students. Supplemented by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in Mr. Pattee’s memory. History Instructor Hannah Solis-Cohen received the honor in 2023.
Edmund W. Littlefield Distinguished Teaching Chair
Established in 1984 by the Littlefields to provide for faculty salaries to recognize excellence in the teaching of the humanities. Supplemented by gifts from Mr. and Mrs. Littlefield and the by the Edmund Wattis Littlefield Foundation. This chair is held by Dean of Faculty Lisa Holmes.
Littlefield Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Jacques M. Littlefield ’67 and supplemented in 2014 by a gift from the Jacques M. Littlefield Foundation.
Lohr Lucente Family Music Department Fund
Established in 2019 by Cynthia Lohr and Sam Lucente, this fund supports enhancements to Cate’s Music Department and is in honor of Annabella Lohr Lucente ’21. Supplemented with the matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Luce Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from Judy and John M. Luce ’59, member of the board of trustees from 1987 to 2004 and 2008 to 2012, winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1990, and parents of Caroline Luce ’00 and Michael Luce ’03.
MacDonnell Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from Robert I. MacDonnell, member of the board of trustees from 1988 to 1996, and his wife, Jannine MacDonnell, parents of Ryan MacDonnell ’90 and Miles MacDonnell ’93.
Maloney Family Sabbatical Fund
Established in 2010 by Laura and Chris Maloney ’80, member of the board of trustees from 2006 to 2012 and then from 2016 to 2019, to fund sabbaticals for long-serving Cate faculty members, in an effort to reinvigorate, renew, refresh, and enhance the teaching and learning environment at the School.
Marble/Harwood Scholarship Fund
Established in 2010 from the estate of Peter E. Marble ’48, to fund a scholar by at least 80% of the cost of a Cate education at the current rate. This fund will be augmented in the future under the terms of another part of his estate plan.
Marin Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2018 by the Marin Family to provide for the School’s highest priorities, including financial aid and faculty salaries, as determined by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Sheila Marmon Heuer ’90 and Steven F. Heuer Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by Sheila Marmon Heuer ’90, member of the board of trustees since 2014, and Steven F. Heuer to provide financial assistance to underrepresented students of color from the United States who otherwise would not be able to attend Cate School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Martin Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2014 by Sally and David Martin, parents of Jonathan Martin ’81 and Matthew Martin ’84 and grandparents of Sarah Martin ’14 and Nathan Martin ’17.
Massar Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2007 by Pam and J.C. Massar, parents of Jamie Massar ’03, Trey Massar ’05, and Robby Massar ’08. One million dollars have been pledged to this fund with cash installments and a residual beneficiary interest from an IRA. The utilization from this endowment fund will defray some of the tuition costs for elementary and middle school children of Cate faculty members.
The Salazar Matthews Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2015 by Ginger Salazar and Brett Matthews, parents of Sumner Matthews ’15 and Parker Matthews ’18, to honor the commitment and dedication of Cate faculty.
Mayfield Family Fund
Established in 2010 by Amy and Michael Mayfield, parents of Addison Mayfield ’11, Kyle Mayfield ’13, and Delaney Mayfield ’17. Amy served on the board of trustees as president of the Cate Parents Organization. Income will support Cate’s varsity athletic programs.
George H. Mayr Foundation Scholarship Fund
Established in 1998 by a challenge grant from the George H. Mayr Foundation and a gift from an anonymous parent.
Perkins McAvoy ’82 Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2004 by Sean McAvoy ’82, member of the board of trustees from 2005 to 2012, and his wife, Melissa, parents of Spencer McAvoy ’11 and Ralph McAvoy ’15, to allow the Head of School to address the highest priority needs every year.
McBaine Family
Susan and J. Patterson McBaine, parents of Justin McBaine ’99, grandparents of Zoe Moss ’24.
Drama Faculty
Established in 1998 to support the salary of a faculty member in the drama department.
Music Faculty
Established in 1998 to support the salary of a faculty member in the music department.
McBean Family
Established by Peter McBean ’30, member of the board of trustees from 1949 to 1997, president from 1962 to 1972, chairman from 1972 to 1975, named a life trustee in 1975 and winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1980.
Peter McBean ’30 Faculty Enrichment
Established in 1988 for faculty professional development and enrichment.
Peter McBean ’30 and Charles P. Berolzheimer Faculty Fund
Established in 1992 by Peter McBean ’30, Charles P. Berolzheimer, and remainder trusts from Eva Fels and Olwen Priest.
Casey ’97 and Melissa McCann Equity of Experience Fund
Established in 2019 to provide access and equity of experience for students by funding experiential domestic and international travel. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
McCaw Family
The following funds were established by Susan McCaw and Craig McCaw, parents of Chase ’17, Julia ’18, and Reid ’20.
Head of School’s Discretionary
Established in 2015 to be used at the Head of School’s discretion.
Nutrition Initiative
Established in 2015 to support Cate’s efforts to procure organic, sustainably-grown, seasonal produce, and hormone and antibiotic-free protein served to the Cate community.
James C. McIntosh ’58 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from James C. McIntosh ’58, member of the board of trustees from 1968 to 1984, son of J. Gordon McIntosh, Class of 1925, member of the board of trustees from 1953 to 1969. Supplemented by the Kirby Challenge in 2004 and the Future Fund in 2006.
Mark Metherell ’87 Service Challenge
Throughout Mark’s life, and during his Cate career, he took the school motto Servons to heart. Established in 2008 by his friends and family, The Mark Metherell ’87 Service Challenge annually awards two $5,000 grants to students to accomplish a public service project over the summer.
Michaels Family Endowment Fund
Established in 2020 by the Michaels family to provide for the School’s highest priorities, including financial aid and faculty salaries, as determined by the Head of School and board of trustees. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Nino Mier ’99 Fund for the Arts
Established in 2019 to provide for art supplies, art curriculum, field trips, or guest speakers. This endowment fund was established with a five-year commitment to the Cate Fund in support of the arts. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Miro Family Human Development Fund
Established by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Miro, parents of Juan Miro ’98, Ani Miro ’01, and Carolina Miro ’03 to support the four-year human development curriculum.
Morphy Family
Established by Michael A. Morphy ’50, member of the board of trustees from 1975 to 1998, president from 1978 to 1983, winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1986, and named a life trustee in 1992 and Elizabeth C. Morphy, parents of Timothy Morphy ’75, Christopher Morphy ’78, and Matthew Morphy ’84, grandparents of Shelagh Morphy ’18. The following funds have been established by the Morphy family:
Michael A. Morphy ’50 Memorial Maintenance Fund
Established in 1998 by gifts from alumni and friends in memory of Michael A. Morphy ’50 and augmented by his estate as a long-time member of the Cate Legacy Society. To be used for the endowment of the Sprague Gymnasium.
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from Michael A. Morphy ’50.
Carl R. (Buck) Nalls Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by an anonymous friend of Cate to honor Carl R. (Buck) Nalls. This fund provides full tuition for a deserving student from Los Angeles.
Nelson Family Asian Studies Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from Jerry Nelson, member of the board of trustees from 1989 to 1991, and his wife, Florence Nelson, parents of Thomas Nelson ’89 and James Nelson ’91, to provide for faculty salaries, scholarship assistance, or program needs for Asian studies.
New Family
Established by William New, Jr. ’59, parent of Caroline New ’00, member of the board of trustees from 1978 to 1993 and 1996 to 2002, and winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1989. The William New, Jr. ’59 Servons Award is awarded annually at graduation by the board of trustees to any individual, alumnus, parent, teacher, or friend in the Cate community who has served Cate in a special way. The first recipient was William New, Jr. ’59, who served the School tirelessly and well since his entrance to the School in 1955. The following funds have been established by the New family:
William New, Jr. ’59 Distinguished Chair
Established in 1985 by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends, and renamed in 1991 in honor of Dr. New to provide for the salary of a faculty member in computer science, mathematics, the sciences, or to a leader and innovator in the development of adaptive curriculum at Cate. Supplemented by gifts from Dr. New. This Chair is currently held by Craig Bouma, Science Department Chair.
William New, Jr. ’59 Scholarship Fund
Robert F. Niven ’28 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1981 by a gift from Robert F. Niven ’28, member of the board of trustees from 1943 to 1995 and named a life trustee in 1974, father of Nicholas Niven ’59 and Robert Niven ’55, grandfather of Douglas Niven ’81, E. Bradford Niven ’82, and Eric Niven ’90. Supplemented by Mr. Niven’s estate in 1995.
Van Cott Niven ’29 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by Michael C. Niven ’58, member of the board of trustees from 1982 to 1990, parent of Michael Niven Jr. ’86, Allison Speer ’87, and Brett Van Cott Niven ’90, in memory of his father, Van Cott Niven ’29, member of the board of trustees from 1967 to 1969, to provide financial aid for a student who shows unusual promise in science or mathematics.
Lewis Nixon ’36 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1995 by a bequest from the estate of Lewis Nixon ’36. Supplemented by his wife, Grace Nixon.
Lizzy Oliver ’97 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1997 in memory of Lizzy Oliver ’97 by her parents, Susan Oliver and Steven Oliver, member of the board of trustees from 1998 to 2004 and parents of Laura Oliver McElhinney ’01. Supplemented by gifts from family, friends, and the 2006 Kirby Challenge.
Olness Family Faculty Fund
Established in 2007 by Susan and Richard Olness, parents of Christopher Olness ’91 and Charles Olness ’94. This fund was created to honor the Cate faculty for their dedication to their students.
Outdoor Program
Established in 1991 by an anonymous alumnus to support the Outdoor Program. Supplemented in 2017 by contributions from members of the Class of ’77 at their 40th reunion in memory of their deceased classmates, most recently Roy Eder ’77, who embodied the love of the outdoors.
Jeffrey Sumner Pallette ’88 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from Peter C. Pallette ’58, member of the board of trustees from 1987 to 1989, in memory of his son, Jeffrey Pallette ’88. Supplemented by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends.
Francis Parkman Jr. Scholarship Fund
Established in 1992 with gifts from Charles P. Berolzheimer and from Peter and Deedee Decker, member of the faculty from 1961 to 1963, and parents of Hilary Decker ’94, to honor Francis Parkman Jr., Cate’s third Head of School. Supplemented by gifts from family, friends, and the 2006 Kirby Challenge.
Pattee Family
Established by W. Burleigh Pattee ’29, member of the board of trustees from 1946 to 1974, president from 1954 to 1962, and chairman from 1962 to 1972, and wife Dorothy E. Pattee, parents of Gordon Pattee ’66. The following funds established by the Pattee family:
Dorothy E. Pattee Maintenance Fund
Established in 1985 by a gift from Dorothy E. Pattee, widow of W. Burleigh Pattee ’29, to maintain buildings constructed during the Campaign for Cate.
W. Burleigh Pattee ’29 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 by a gift from Gordon B. Pattee ’66, his sister, Anne L. Pattee, and their mother, Dorothy E. Pattee, in memory of their father and husband. Augmented by Mr. Pattee and the Kirby Reunion Challenge in 2006.
W. Burleigh Pattee ’29 Fellowship
Established in 1974 by a gift from Edmund W. Littlefield, in memory of W. Burleigh Pattee ’29, to provide partial support for the salary of a faculty member, selected annually, for his or her outstanding teaching and contributions to the well-being of Cate School and its students. Supplemented by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in Mr. Pattee’s memory. History Instructor Hannah Solis-Cohen received the honor in 2023.
Thayer Peck ’53 Field Maintenance Fund
Established in 1988 through the estate of Dorothy Thayer Peck Flynn, in memory of her son, Thayer Peck ’53. In 2003, upon receipt of the estate proceeds, $88,000 was added to the Curtis Wolsey Cate Unrestricted Fund.
Gwendolyn Pierce Scholarship Fund
Established in 2020 by friends, family, and fans of Gwendolyn Pierce, who served Cate School for 19 years in the admission office and beyond. This scholarship award will be designated to a student with a passion for the arts.
Cheryl Powers Faculty Salaries Fund
Established in 2011 by Leslie Wei and Chien-Ping Chen in honor of Cheryl Power’s outstanding teaching in the Science Department and service to Cate from 1982 to her retirement in 2011.
Ray Family Emmett-Horowitz Aquatic Center Maintenance Fund
Established in 2011 by a gift from Janet and Walkie Ray, parents of J. Matthew Ray ’92, David Ray ’94, Sarah Ray ’98, and Alexander Ray ’08, to provide for maintenance of the Emmett-Horowitz Aquatic Center.
Charles Goodrich Raymond ’23 Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1989 in memory of Charles Goodrich Raymond, Class of 1923, member of the board of trustees from 1952 to 1961, his wife, Patricia Wilson Raymond, and their son, Charles G. Raymond, Jr. ’58, by a gift from their daughter and sister Valerie Hart, mother of Edward Murley ’85 and Patricia Murley ’88, and gifts from alumni and friends.
Ream Family Faculty Salaries Fund
Established in 2004 by Nini and Miller Ream, parents of Miller Ream ’84, grandparents of Michelle Cleary ’09. The remainder value of this CRUT will support faculty salaries, emulating the fine example of their close friend and business associate, Paul M. Denison ’52.
John P. Renshaw ’35 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1996 by Lolita B. Renshaw, her son, Alan Nichols Jr. ’77 and her grandsons, Call Nichols, Max Nichols, and Tucker Nichols, with a gift from the estate of her late husband, John P. Renshaw ’35, brother of Howard Renshaw ’39 and half-brother of J. Griswold Coleman, Class of 1925, to provide for the School’s highest current priorities determined by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Rhodes Brothers Endowment Fund
Established by a gift from Adam Rhodes ’79 and Emery Rhodes ’79 in 2019, this discretionary fund is to be used for the most pressing needs of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Harriet Kline Roethke Scholarship Fund
Established in 1980 by a gift from the estate of Harriet Kline Roethke, mother-in-law of Robert Young ’53.
Rohner Family Faculty Fund
Established in 1995 by a gift from Vanya and Franklin B. Rohner, parents of Franklin Rohner ’71, Scott McIver ’71, Clayton Rohner ’75, and Boyden Rohner ’95. In 2008, Franklin Rohner’s estate supplemented the fund.
RORD Faculty Salary Initiative
This initiative was established in April 2000, facilitated by Janet Sands, member of the board of trustees from 1999 to 2006, to increase the funds available for faculty compensation. The RORD Foundation, started by the late Richard O’Rahilly Dowling, father of Kathleen Dowling ’01 and Will Dowling ’03, gifted $200,000 for faculty salaries for immediate use during the first four years and $100,000 toward endowment. As part of the initiative, Cate School agreed to raise $1.4M in newly endowed funds dedicated to faculty salaries, to yield $50,000 to the yearly operating budget by 2004-2005, which was accomplished.
W.M. Roth Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from William Roth ’35.
Mildred M. and Thomas Savage Archives Fund
Established in 1985 by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in memory of Thomas Savage, member of the staff from 1916 to 1961, to support the Cate School Archives. Later supplemented by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends in memory of his wife, Mildred M. Savage, member of the staff from 1918 to 1987.
Schurz Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2019 by Todd Schurz ’79. This fund will be supplemented with the matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Science Equipment Fund
Established in 1988 by an anonymous alumnus to provide for special equipment and projects for science.
Toby Scott ’79 Science Fund
Established in 2017 by Toby Scott ’79 to provide funding for experiential science programs.
Gretchen M. Seager Scholarship Pooled Income
Senior Prefect Honorary Fund
Presented in 1999 by Nelson D. Jones ’48 in honor of his classmate, the senior prefect of the School, to be used to fund the annual prefect retreat during which the senior prefects are chosen.
Servons Faculty Fund
Established in 1988 by a gift from Nonie B. Ramsay and Sheldon C. Ramsay ’65, member of the board of trustees from 1990 to 2002. Income to provide for summer sabbaticals and educational opportunities for faculty.
Sesnon Family
Porter Sesnon, member of the board of trustees from 1949 to 1991 and named a life trustee in 1981, father of Porter Sesnon, Jr. ’51 and J. Boit Sesnon ’56. The following funds were established by the Sesnon family:
Porter Sesnon, Jr. ’51 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1991 by a gift from Porter Sesnon Jr. ’51
Sesnon House Maintenance Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from Porter Sesnon to provide for the maintenance of Sesnon House. Supplemented by gifts in memory of Mr. Sesnon.
SG Foundation Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1987 by a gift from the SG Foundation to provide for the School’s highest current priorities determined by the Head of School and board of trustees.
Simpson Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from Margaret Simpson and Louis A. Simpson, member of the board of trustees from 1996 to 2006, parents of Irving Simpson ’79, Kenneth Simpson ’81, and Edward Simpson ’86, and grandparents of Alexandra Simpson ’04, Tyler Simpson ’07, and Kennedy Simpson ’22.
Smith Family Maintenance Fund
Established in 1991 in memory of Mary and Lynn Smith, grandparents of Richard Smith ’72 and renamed by the family to also honor Rick, who died in March 1997, to provide for maintenance of faculty housing on the Mesa.
Sanderson M. Smith
The following funds were established to honor Sanderson M. Smith, member of the faculty from 1964 to 2004.
Sanderson M. Smith Computational Thinking Fund
Established in 2019 by a gift from Guy Loughridge ’69, in honor of Sanderson M. Smith, member of the faculty from 1964 to 2004, the fund provides support to the Computational Thinking Program and Computer Science curriculum at the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Sanderson M. Smith Distinguished Teaching Chair
Established in 1987 by a gift from an anonymous alumnus in honor of Sanderson M. Smith, member of the faculty from 1964 to 2004, to provide for the salary of a faculty member in mathematics. This chair was held by Sanderson M. Smith from its inception until his retirement in 2004. It is currently held by Taylor Wyatt, Mathematics Department Chair.
Sanderson M. Smith Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 by a gift from Ashley and Matt McCall ’83 in celebration of his 24th reunion. This fund honors the work of Sanderson M. Smith, member of the faculty from 1964 to 2004, and provides scholarship assistance. Supplemented by Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge.
Spagnoletti Fund
Established by a gift from Marcus Spagnoletti ’03 in 2019, this discretionary fund is to be used for the most pressing needs of the School. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Norman F. Sprague III Scholarship Fund
Established in 2014 with gifts given in his memory by friends, his wife Marianne, and his family including Ben Sprague ’97, Cally Sprague Knapp ’98, Jessie Sprague ’01, Katrina Sprague ’05, Molly Sprague ’09, and his niece Cedar Raffetto Anderson ’91. Norm Sprague served on the board of trustees from 1995 until 2014. Marianne Sprague has served on the board since 2015. This fund supports the School’s financial assistance program.
Stegall Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1988 by gifts from Arthur J. Stegall Jr. and his son, A. John Stegall III ’78, to provide scholarship assistance for students from Arizona. This gift was a percentage ownership of a parcel of land in Casa Grande, Arizona, which was sold in 2003.
Alexander Owings Stevenson ’85 Memorial Arts Fund
Established in 1984 by alumni, parents, and friends in memory of Alexander Owings Stevenson ’85 to support the arts department.
J. Brooks Stratmore II ’92 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1990 by a gift from Robert D. Stratmore, in honor of his son, J. Brooks Stratmore II ’92, to provide financial assistance for a student who has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to politics.
Stremmel Family Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2019 by a gift from Turkey and Peter Stremmel. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Student Senate Scholarship Fund
Established by the 1992 Student Faculty Senate to provide financial assistance for students participating in co-curricular activities. Augmented in 2007 by the Class of 1992 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for establishing a new 15th reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund.
Sugarman Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2021 by a gift from Gary and Elizabeth Sugarman, parents of Harley ’10, Cody ’13, and Brandon ’16 in support of financial assistance.
SUHweet Life Faculty Fund
Established in 2019 by Dr. W. Warren Suh and Mrs. Jeewon “Heather” Suh, parents of Ryan ’21 and Sidney ’22, this fund will help faculty explore and enrich their own interests and passions. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
Augustus Taylor, Jr., Class of 1922 Family Faculty Fund
Established in 1988 by a gift from Pamela T. and V. Shannon Clyne, parents of Augustus Clyne ’89, in memory of Mrs. Clyne’s father, Augustus Taylor, Jr., Class of 1922. Supplemented by gifts from Mrs. Augustus Taylor, Jr. and her family in memory of her husband, and then by Mrs. Taylor’s estate.
Carry and John Thacher ’72 Faculty Fund
Established in 2010 by Carry and John Thacher ’72 to support faculty salaries.
Mary and Carter Thacher Faculty Fund
Established in 2000 by Mary and Carter Thacher, parents of John Thacher ’72, grandparents of Lauren Thacher ’04 and Carolyn Thacher ’07, and supplemented by the Kirby Challenge. This fund is a tribute to the men and women who dedicate their lives to teaching at Cate School.
Isaac Thompson ’09 Scholarship Fund
The Isaac Thompson ’09 Scholarship Fund was established by the Helen Keeler Burke Foundation in 2018 to provide financial assistance for students in need.
The Thompson Family
The following funds were established by Thatcher Thompson, trustee from 2020 to 2022, and Jill Thompson, parents of Georgia Thompson ’17, Pierce Thompson ’20, and Beatrice Thompson ’23.
Jeff Barton Scholarship
Established in 2023 by a gift from The Thompson Family to honor Jeff’s exceptional work in and out of the classroom.
Cece Schwennsen Scholarship
Established in 2023 by a gift from The Thompson Family to honor Cece’s exceptional work in and out of the classroom.
Joseph E. Tilt ’46 Memorial Scholarship
Paula and Paul R. Tobias Ph.D. ’50 Center of Excellence
Established in 2004 from a bequest from the estates of Paula and Paul R. Tobias Ph.D. ’50. Paul and his wife, Paula, chose Cate because they believed there should be “centers of excellence” and that education should be cherished, and particularly “excellent education”. Paul followed the growth and maturation of the Cate program, believed Cate was perpetuating a strong intellectual and value structure, and selected Cate as his Center of Excellence.
Tomchin Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 1999 by a gift of partial ownership in a real estate limited partnership from Cheryl and Stan Tomchin, parents of Emily Tomchin ’00. This partnership was bought out in 2003 and proceeds were added to this fund.
Tri-Counties Scholarship Fund
Established in 1993 by a gift from an anonymous donor to provide financial assistance for students from within the Ventura/Santa Barbara/San Luis Obispo Tri-Counties area. Supplemented by a gift from the Patricia A. Brown Charitable Lead Annuity Trust.
The Fund for Tuition Amelioration
Established in 1997 by gifts from Nelson D. Jones ’48 in memory of his parents to be used to help ameliorate the financial burden upon those parents paying the School’s full stated annual tuition. Supplemented by the donor.
The Vanica Family Scholarship Fund
An endowment fund, established in 2018, to provide financial assistance for those in need.
Veterans Legacy Fund
Established in 2015 by Jessica and John Bowlin, parents of Hannah ’16, Will ’18, and Parker ’20, the Veterans Legacy Fund honors the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families. The top priority for this fund is to support children of veterans with financial need by assisting with the responsibility of their education at Cate School.
von Bothmer Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2019 by Jane and Bernard von Bothmer, parents of Athena von Bothmer ’21 and Tatiana von Bothmer ’23. This fund will be supplemented with matching support from the Emmett Family Challenge.
The Wallace Foundation Scholarship Fund
Established in 1974 by a gift from the Wallace Foundation (formerly known as the DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest). Supplemented by gifts from the Foundation.
Edward Wallis ’70 Endowment for the Arts
Established in 1999 by gifts from Marilyn and Edward J. Wallis ’70 to be used by the Fine Arts Department to purchase supplies to enhance the School’s fine arts, sculpture, and digital imaging programs.
Marsha and William Wayne Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by Marsha and William Wayne, parents of Benjamin Wayne ’90, Amanda Wayne ’92, and Catherine Wayne ’94.
Wecker Family
Established by Monique Parsons ’84, member of the board of trustees since 2006, named president in 2012, and her husband David Wecker, parents of Theodore Wecker ’17, Ruth Wecker ’20, and Jules Wecker ’24. The following funds were established by the Wecker Family:
Faculty Curriculum Development
Established in 2010 to provide professional development for faculty members and to support efforts to enhance Cate’s academic program and advance the School’s curricular goals.
Wecker Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 to honor the Centennial celebration and the 25th anniversary of coeducation. This fund will provide support for the School’s financial assistance program.
Whittier Scholars Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by a gift from the W.W.W. Foundation. Income to provide financial assistance for students from the “I Have a Dream” program of Los Angeles. If a “Dreamer” is not enrolled at Cate, the funds may be used for other deserving students from the Los Angeles area. Supplemented by a gift from the foundation in 1990.
Ben and Ginger Williams Scholarship
Established in 2023 by an anonymous donor in honor of Ben and Ginger Williams.
The Woodworth and Crawford Fund for Sabbatical Enrichment
Established by Will Swigart ’70 in 2019. Named in honor of legendary faculty members and sabbatical enthusiasts, Stan Woodworth and O. Curtis Crawford, the goal of the Woodworth and Crawford Fund for Sabbatical Enrichment is to provide additional faculty funding for unique opportunities that otherwise would be cost-prohibitive.
Stanley D. Woodworth and Family
Member of the faculty from 1948 to 1988 and acting Head of School from 1974 to 1975. He was a friend and advisor of Mr. Cate for many years, and a strong teacher advocate. The following funds were established in memory of and for his 40 years of dedicated and distinguished service:
Chair for Distinguished Teaching
Established in 1989 by a gift from Charles P. Berolzheimer, California Cedar Products Company, P & M Cedar Products Company, Rylock, Ltd. And Duraflame, Inc. in memory of Stanley D. Woodworth. Both Charles and Stan shared a passionate love of learning. Earnings to provide for faculty salaries to recognize distinguished teaching. This chair is currently held by Frank W. Griffin, Math Department.
Stanley D. Woodworth Excellence in Teaching
Established in 1990 by gifts from alumni, parents, and friends for academic department budgets, professional development, and classroom related expenses.
Woodworth Family Music Fund
Established in 2010 by the family of Betty Woodworth and augmented by an anonymous alumnus, this fund honors the distinguished service to Cate School of Betty Woodworth, wife of Stanley D. Woodworth, grandparent of Lisa Woodworth Walters ’86, Ashley Woodworth ’92, Julius Johnston IV ’94, and Andrew Johnston ’02, to support Cate’s music program. This fund may be supplemented by donors who wish to support Cate’s music program.
Class of 1932
Class of 1946 Unrestricted Fund
This endowment fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the Class of 1946 in their reunion year, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds. This class set a 60th reunion record for their giving total.
Class of 1948 Honorary Unrestricted Fund
Established in 1991 by a gift from Nelson D. Jones ’48 in honor of his classmates.
Class of 1951 Unrestricted Fund
This endowment fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the class of 1951 in their reunion year, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds. This class set a 55th reunion record for their giving total.
Class of 1956 Unrestricted Fund
This endowment fund initiated in 2006 by members of the Class of 1956 in their 50th reunion year, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds
Class of 1957 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased and new Mesa-level giving and for establishing a reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund.
Class of 1958 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2008 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased and new Mesa-level giving and for establishing a reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund.
Class of 1960 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2004 by the Class of 1960 during their 45th reunion to establish a permanent unrestricted endowment.
Class of 1961 Unrestricted Fund
This unrestricted endowment fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the Class of 1961 in their 45th reunion year, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds.
Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund
Established in 1989 by gifts from members of the Class of 1964. Income to provide funds for School activities for minority students receiving financial assistance.
Class of 1965 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2004 by the Class of 1965 during their 40th reunion to establish a permanent unrestricted endowment.
Class of 1967 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for establishing a 40th reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund.
Class of 1972 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased giving during a reunion year.
Class of 1976 Unrestricted Fund
This endowment fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the Class of 1976 in their 30th reunion year, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds. This class also gave $310,905 in capital gifts and established a 30th reunion giving record.
Class of 1977 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased and new Mesa-level giving, and for establishing a 30th reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund.
Class of 1979 Outdoor Fund
Fourteen members of the class began a fund during the Cate 2000 Capital Campaign. These funds provide permanent support for Cate’s Outdoor Program. May be supplemented by other donors.
Class of 1980 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2004 during their 25th reunion year to demonstrate a willingness to support the School currently and permanently.
Class of 1981 Unrestricted Fund
This endowment fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the Class of 1981, qualified for Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge Funds. They set a 25th reunion record for their Cate Fund.
Class of 1982 Unrestricted Fund
Established in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for establishing a 25th reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund. They became the second class ever to raise more than $100,000 in a reunion year for the Cate Fund.
Class of 1985 Unrestricted Fund
Class of 1986 Unrestricted Fund
This fund, initiated in 2006 by members of the class in their 20th reunion year, qualified for the Kirby-Jones Reunion Challenge.
Class of 1987 Faculty Fund
Established in 1987 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1987. Augmented in 2007 with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased and new Mesa-level giving during a reunion year. During their 20th reunion, the class gave their largest amount ever and had the highest attendance at a 20th reunion.
Class of 1988 Faculty Fund
Established in 1988 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1988 as part of their contributions to the Campaign for the Nineties.
Class of 1989
Theater Arts
Established in 1990 by anonymous donors and the Earl-Beth Foundation as part of their contribution to the Campaign for the Nineties.
Faculty Salaries
Established in 1988 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the class of 1989 as part of their contributions to the Campaign for the Nineties.
Class of 1990 Junior Faculty Chair
Established in 1989 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the class of 1990 as part of their contributions to the Campaign for the Nineties
Class of 1991 Faculty
Established in 1990 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the class of 1991 as part of their contributions to the Campaign for the Nineties. Supplemented in 2006 by Kirby-Jones Centennial Reunion Challenge earned by gifts from the members of the Class of 1991 and for breaking the 15th reunion record.
Class of 1992 Faculty
Class of 1993 Faculty
Established in 1992 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1993. Supplemented in 2008 by Kirby-Jones Centennial Reunion Challenge. The class subsequently broke the 15th reunion giving record.
Class of 1994 Unrestricted
Established in 1993 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1994. Income to be used where there is the greatest need as decided by the headmaster and the board of trustees.
Class of 1995 Faculty
Established in 1994 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the class of 1995.
Class of 1996 Faculty
Established in 1995 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1996. Supplemented in 2006 by Kirby-Jones Centennial Reunion Challenge. The class subsequently broke the 10th reunion record.
Class of 1997 CateNet
Established in 1996 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1997. The first $50,000 contributed was matched by the Edward E. Ford Foundation and was used to complete CateNet. Earnings and subsequent gifts support Cate’s ongoing technology initiatives. Augmented in 2007 through educational programs, a new 15th reunion record for giving to the Cate Fund was also established, along with matched funds from Marvel and Robert Kirby for increased and new Mesa-level giving during their reunion year.
Class of 1998 Berolzheimer Classroom Building Maintenance
Established in 1997 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1998 as part of their contributions to Cate 2000. Initially $250,000 was used to construct the Berolzheimer Classroom building with the balance remaining for endowment.
Class of 1999 Cook House East Faculty Apartment Maintenance
Established in 1998 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 1999 to provide for maintenance and endowment of the faculty apartments in Cook House East.
Class of 2000 Faculty
Established in 1998 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2000 as part of their contributions to Cate 2000.
Class of 2001 Faculty
Established in 1998 by parents and grandparents of the Class of 2001, as a part of their contributions to the RORD Faculty Salary Initiative. Supplemented in 2006 by Kirby-Jones Centennial Reunion Challenge. This class subsequently broke the 5th reunion record.
Class of 2002 Faculty Housing Maintenance
Established in 1998 by parents and grandparents of the Class of 2002 to build and endow a faculty house to honor master teaching. In 2003, $250,000 was used to construct the Class of 2002 House, with the balance remaining for endowment.
Class of 2003 Faculty
Established in 2001 by parents and grandparents of the Class of 2003 for faculty salaries and as a part of their contributions to the RORD Faculty Salary Initiative.
Class of 2004 Faculty Housing Maintenance
Established in 2003 by parents and grandparents of the Class of 2004 to build and endow a new faculty house. In 2003, $250,000 was used to construct the Class of 2004 House, with the balance remaining for endowment.
Class of 2005 Faculty
Established in 2004 by parents and grandparents of the Class of 2005 for faculty salaries.
Class of 2006 Faculty
Established in 2005 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2006 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2007 Faculty
Established in 2006 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2007 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2008 Faculty
Established in 2007 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2008 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2009 Faculty
Established in 2008 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2009 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2010 Faculty
Established in 2009 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2010 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2011 Faculty
Established in 2009 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2011 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2012
Established in 2009 by gifts from parents and grandparents of the Class of 2012 to support faculty salaries.
Equity of Experience
Established in 2022 by a member of the Class of 2012 and supplemented by classmates, the Class of 2012 Equity of Experience Fund provides an equity of experience for students who receive financial aid to participate fully in activities of the School.
Class of 2013 Faculty
Established in 2012 by gifts from the parents and grandparents of the Class of 2013 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2014 Faculty
Established in 2012 by gifts from the parents and grandparents of the Class of 2014 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2015 Faculty
Established in 2014 by gifts from the parents and grandparents of the Class of 2015 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2016 Faculty
Established in 2016 by gifts from the parents and grandparents of the Class of 2016 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2017 Faculty
Established in 2017 by gifts from the families of the Class of 2017 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2018 Faculty
Established in 2018 by gifts from the families of the Class of 2018 to support faculty salaries.
Class of 2019 Faculty
Established in 2019 by gifts from the families of the Class of 2019 to support faculty salaries.
Cate is grateful for the generosity of hundreds of donors who have established endowment funds and made capital gifts to the School.
If you have questions or would like to give in support of the endowment, please contact Lindsay Newlove.