Counseling Services FAQs

Keep Scrolling

There are a few ways you can schedule an appointment with a Cate counselor. Some students prefer to schedule themselves directly into Dean’a or Nadine’s google calendar. There are 30 minute or 60 minute slots available. Once they reserve a session slot their time will automatically show on the confidential counseling calendar.

However, some students prefer to email Dean’a or Nadine to give them context about what they are struggling with, or ask questions before scheduling an appointment. You are empowered to choose which method of scheduling works best for you!

Nadine and Dean’a are on campus from 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday. During the weekend and after 5pm during the week our counselors are on-call, should a student be experiencing a mental health crisis.

You can certainly see counselors in the local community! Here is a list of just a few counselors who have worked with Cate students in the past. Transportation to your counseling sessions off campus would have to be coordinated between you and the Health Center:

Additionally, we have a zoom room set aside for virtual sessions with your counselor where you can have private sessions. If you would like to reserve a time in the zoom room please contact:

If you are concerned about a friend, dorm-mate, or teammate, please fill out the Cate Wellness Referral Form. It is a very easy and effective way to communicate your concerns with one of our counselors who will follow up with the person you are referring to within 24 hours. The form should take no longer than 1-2 minutes to complete.

Your parents do not need to be notified that you are in short-term counseling with a Cate counselor unless you are in danger of harming yourself, or someone else. When a student has a significant mental health struggle that is impairing their ability to fully function in in Cate’s program and/or requires a higher level of care (residential outpatient services, rehabilitation, etc) the counselor will speak with the student and let them know that the next best course of action is to notify their parent/ legal guardian.

Your sessions with Cate School counselors are confidential. Prior to engaging in individual or group therapy, the counselors will go over the policies related to confidentiality with you verbally to ensure your understanding, but since we do get a lot of questions on this topic, we thought it might be helpful for you to have our confidentiality policy in written form here for you to review before your session.

Your confidentiality is of the utmost importance and essential to effective therapy. Therefore, communications between client and therapist are strictly confidential. Under California law, communication between clients and licensed counselors are privileged (confidential) and may not be disclosed without authorization by the client, except under specific and limited circumstances. Examples of mandated disclosures include, but are not limited to, danger to self or others, child abuse or endangerment, elder abuse, dependent adult abuse and any situation in which a client may be in imminent harm. The contents of the therapy will only be released if the therapist’s clinical judgment indicates concern for your health or wellbeing rise to such a level additional support may be needed.

The Counseling Department at Cate School is deeply committed to maintaining confidentiality within the legal and ethical limits of the profession. We are also members of the Cate community and as such, may deem it necessary to discuss your participation in treatment with your advisor, parents and/or Student Services Committee. Specific disclosures of the contents of treatment will not, and cannot be made, without your expressed written and/or verbal consent UNLESS a student is at risk of imminent harm.

Above all, our counseling department prioritizes Cate students’ health and wellbeing. That’s why we developed protocols to ensure students can come to us when they are struggling with an eating disorder or substance use to swifty and confidentially get the help they need.

An important thing to remember is that when someone is suffering with substance abuse or an eating disorder, their journey towards healing is very private. Our counseling department keeps all details surrounding that student’s experience confidential, as mandated by law. We understand how confusing and sometimes frustrating that can be for our Cate community, and yet it’s an essential piece of supporting our students in need.

If you or a friend are struggling with an eating disorder or substance abuse, know that we have systems in place to bypass disciplinary systems and connect you with the help you need to be your best self. Additionally, please understand that the details surrounding these disclosures are kept entirely confidential from other members of the community outside of the counseling department and the student services committee.

Please email the Health Center team at so we can make arrangements and an appointment block for you to utilize the Zoom Room in the Ellis House